Helpful Assets
This page contains a comprehensive list of resources to help every veteran and their family with questions related to the 4 Pillars we found are the most important to our veterans and their families. Our pillars are Faith, a Purpose, Support Systems, and Healthcare.

Support System – We offer programs that support communication and healthy relationships. Healthy support systems refer to networks of individuals, resources, and practices that provide emotional, psychological, and sometimes tangible assistance to individuals facing challenges or striving for personal growth. These systems are characterized by positivity, trust, and empowerment. They can include family, friends, mentors, support groups, therapists, and community organizations. Healthy support systems offer encouragement, validation, constructive feedback, and practical help, contributing to individuals’ overall well-being and resilience. They also promote a sense of belonging and connectedness, reducing feelings of isolation and stress.
Faith – The Eden Program is not a faith-based organization, but we recognize faith is an integral part of every person. We do not push any one faith but encourage each person to find theirs and be strong in it. It’s important to recognize that the role of faith is subjective and can differ greatly depending on individual beliefs and experiences. While faith can offer many benefits, it’s also important to respect differing perspectives and approaches to spirituality or meaning-making.
Purpose – Everyone needs a purpose. We believe we are designed to have a purpose. Through our peer programs and use of the enneagram assessment, we help veterans, and first responders find their purpose. The need for purpose refers to the fundamental human desire to have meaning and direction in life. Having a sense of purpose provides individuals with a reason to wake up each day, motivates them to pursue goals and aspirations, and gives their actions a sense of significance.
Medical Care – We do not provide direct medical care, but we can connect the warrior to medical professionals within our network. Overall, medical care is essential for individual and community health. It plays a critical role in improving overall well-being and quality of life for individuals and communities. Our network of medical professionals continues to grow so we can connect our warriors with the right level of care.
Job/work Support
Below is a list of places where you can find help with civilian employment and all that entails.